Genetic Engineering and Society Center | Integrating scientific knowledge & diverse public values in shaping the futures of biotechnology.
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S7E10 - Bethany Brookshire - Don’t Dumb it Down, and Other Science Writing Tips and Tricks
S7E9 - Zack Brown – Benefit-cost analysis and alternatives for evaluating biotechnology policy
S7E8 - Latifa Jackson - Reflections on charting your scientific path
S7E7 - Dominique Brossard – Why We Should (Still) Care About Communication and Genetics
S7E6 - Fernanda Santos - GE Foods Regulation - The U.S. Way
S7E5 - Panel: The Challenges, Successes, and Sustainability of NRT FEWS programs
S7E4 - Jon Allen & Rebekah Brown on NC State Food Sciences
S7E3 - Karen Maschke on "Chimeric Research"
S7E2 - Reflections on the 4S Cholula Conference
S7E1 - UN Biodiversity Convention - A force for ‘good’ or ‘evil’ in global biotech crop regulation?
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