GES Center Lectures, NC State University
Genetic Engineering and Society Center | Integrating scientific knowledge & diverse public values in shaping the futures of biotechnology.

#10 – Bethany Brookshire - Don’t Dumb it Down, and Other Science Writing Tips and Tricks

Apr. 4, 2023 GES Colloquium | What are the different kinds of science writing for the public, and how on earth do you do them? Science writer Bethany Brookshire will pull back the curtain.

Don’t Dumb it Down, and Other Science Writing Tips and Tricks

Bethany Brookshire, PhD, Science Journalist

Website | Twitter @Beebrookshire


Bethany Brookshire, science journalist and author of Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains, made the transition from scientist to science writer. Along the way, she learned how many assumptions non-scientists make about scientific writing…and how many assumptions scientists make about non-scientific readers. The world of science writing is, in its way, just as much of a specialty as genomics, and Brookshire is here to pull back the curtain on it all.

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Speaker Bio

Bethany Brookshire is a freelance science journalist and the author of the December 2022 book, Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains. She is also a host and producer on the podcast Science for the People. She is a former staff writer with Science News magazine and Science News for Students, a digital magazine covering the latest in scientific research for kids ages 9-14. Her freelance writing has appeared in Scientific AmericanScience News magazine, Science News ExploresThe Atlantic, the Washington PostSlate and other outlets. Bethany has a PhD in Physiology and Pharmacology from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She was a 2019-2020 Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT.

GES Colloquium (GES 591-002) is jointly taught by Drs. Jen Baltzegar and Dawn Rodriguez-Ward, who you may contact with any class-specific questions. Colloquium will generally be live-streamed via Zoom, with monthly in-person meetings in the 1911 Building, Room 129. Please subscribe to the GES newsletter and Twitter for updates.

Genetic Engineering and Society Center

GES Colloquium - Tuesdays 12-1PM (via Zoom) NC State University | GES Mediasite - See videos, full abstracts, speaker bios, and slides Twitter -

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